Monday, February 07, 2011

Music Mondays: RIP The White Stripes

* My photo from BDO January 2006 *

The first time I got the experience The White Stripes live was in January 2006. I saw them first at Festival Hall and then the following day at the Big Day Out in Princess Park in Melbourne.

I didn't really fully appreciate that these two times were the only times I'd get to see them. Last week they announced that they were no longer a band and it hit me with a kind of sadness that I did not expect. Their music has been a part of my life for so long that it feels weird that there won't be anything new to add to the collection.

“The White Stripes do not belong to Meg and Jack anymore. The White Stripes belong to you now and you can do with it whatever you want. The beauty of art and music is that it can last forever if people want it to. Thank you for sharing this experience. Your involvement will never be lost on us and we are truly grateful.”

Meg and Jack White
The White Stripes

Lee Marvin in Jarmush's Coffee and cigarettes
* Click on photo for source *

A super cool band who will be greatly missed.

Peace out
 - Brooke

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