Has another week seriously just finished? Is it really almost July?
I don't know how I managed to go over a week without posting. I've been staring at a half finished post about last weekend all week trying to find words and it's still sitting in my drafts unfinished. It's weird when something finishes and the words just don't seem to do it justice.
It's been another busy week and I've found myself trying to organise dates and itineraries for my own USA holiday. I thought I had it worked out but then I realised I had a work thing that was clashing big time with the dates I had down. *FRUSTRATING*
I've suddenly had this craving for more beach time on holidays (I think my most recent trip to Thailand is to blame) so I've been trying to include a 4 night stay in the Caribbean. Anyone have any suggestions on what island we should visit? I just want beautiful beaches, amazing resort and not too pricey. We'll be flying from Orlando or Miami FL and I'm pretty lost with where to start. The Caribbean is not a place many Australians travel to because it's soooo far away and we have beaches and beach holiday options a lot closer to home. I want to go because it's something different and something amazing. HELP :)
Tomorrow night I'm headed into the city for dinner (and beer) at a beer hall and then dancing to The Grates and then more drinking with my work mates. Right now I'm watching Kick Ass and relaxing a bit. I'll try finish that post I was talking about later - if I can find the words.
Love love
- Brooke
P.S I ordered 2 x lavender/lilac hair dyes & 1 x more deep purple SFX hair dye so I have one more dye job with the deep purple then I'm going to attempt the lavender/lilac hair colour *eeep*