Friday, June 10, 2011

Lunch Fun


Today I went out for lunch with my older sister, her two kids, my Grandma and my Nana. We went out to the Warragul Club and I had delicious beer battered flathead tails and chips. 




When I was in Bangkok I managed to get some film for my Instax Mini (which I had just about ran out of) really cheap so it was fun to be able to play around with it again and take photos. 

I took my laptop with me so I could show Grandma and Nana my Thailand photos. 

This evening I had the house to myself and I had plans to snuggle up on the couch and watch season 1 of Sons of Anarchy - I've heard so much about this show that I decided it was about time to watch it. Only problem is that Dad bought a new dvd/blu ray player and because our copy of SOA is from the USA it's a different region and wouldn't play. 

THEN I went to watch one of the Harry Potter movies but it wouldn't play them properly so I watched Daydream Nation (which has Kat Dennings in it) off my hard drive. Ended up being a great way to spend the evening - really good movie. 

It also had an actor names Reece Thompson in it. This is him: 

Post screening Q&A

He's a new favourite - he plays the kind of dorky, damaged, lovely boy very very well (I've watched him in two movies now - with a couple more on the list of movies to watch). Plus he's super cute and adorable. Bonus right?!?

Over & Out
 - Brooke

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