Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where I've been

I've been M.I.A. online for the past couple of weeks. There has been a reason for it - I've been dealing with some things at work which has taken up a lot of my time and left me feeling mentally exhausted and unable to blog. I've also been to Cambodia last week for a conference with work (there wasn't much conferencing happening but that's what we'll call it). 

A part of the conference was spent in Battambang in northwestern Cambodia. The reason for this unusual stop in Cambodia was to spend some time at an orphanage and donate a whole bunch of clothes and toys to some very special kids.

I'll post pictures and stories in another blog but I thought I'd share the inspiring story of Tara Winkler and the creation of CCT (Cambodian Children's Trust):

For more information on the Cambodian Children's Trust and to find ways that you can help, please visit

It was a truly inspiring journey to Battambang meeting all the kids who smile despite the hardships they have faced. 

x x x
 - Brooke

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