Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Years Goal

New Years is a time where people make resolutions - this year I've decided to not make resolutions to change things about myself because I don't think I ever stick to them. I've decided to create a list of things I would like to do in the year 2012. I figure if I write them all down then I can use this year to try and achieve as many of these things as possible.

50 things to do in 2012 (in no particular order):
  1. Move out of home
  2. Rescue and love a kitten from the RSPCA
  3. Watch all seasons of Mad Men
  4. Read 50 new books
  5. Read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  6. Watch all three extended edition Lord of the Rings movies in 1 day
  7. Attend San Diego Comic Con 2012
  8. Have a Mexican food dinner party
  9. Watch a sunrise
  10. Watch a sunset
  11. Dye my hair blue
  12. Get a tattoo
  13. Fold 1000 Origami Cranes
  14. Go on a roadtrip with friends
  15. Spend a week without Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / any internet that isn't work related
  16. Go Zorbing
  17. Lay in a hammock
  18. Have a fancy dinner party
  19. Shoot a gun
  20. Turn myself into a cartoon character
  21. Swim with a dolphin
  22. See a movie at the drive in
  23. See a movie at the Rooftop/Outdoor Cinemas
  24. See 5 musicals
  25. Attend a sporting event in the USA
  26. Watch the Godfather trilogy
  27. Get my fortune told
  28. Swim with Great White Sharks
  29. Learn to say "hello" in 20 languages
  30. Take pictures in a photo booth
  31. Paint a picture
  32. Write to my favourite bloggers
  33. Watch all Harry Potter movies
  34. Re-read all Harry Potter books
  35. Have a Ryan Gosling movie marathon
  36. Dance like a maniac
  37. Use a hotel bed as a trampoline
  38. Wear glitter eyeliner for a week
  39. Buy a new pair of Irregular Choice shoes
  40. Take a segway tour
  41. Get a record player
  42. Expand my record collection by 40
  43. Update and re-design my blog
  44. Build and sleep in a blanket fort
  45. Watch 20 black & white films ("classics")
  46. Go to or have a dress up party
  47. Travel to 10 new cities
  48. Take a photo every day for 366 days (using my iphone)
  49. Go to a zoo
  50. See 10 new bands live (not including support bands) 
There we have it. I have 52 weeks and it begins today.

Anyone else made any kinds of lists or resolutions for this year? I think having these goals are going to help make 2012 a fabulous year full of adventure and fun. 

Happy New Year!
 - Brooke

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